Soal Uts Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

  1. Soal Uts Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Ips

Soal mid bahasa inggris kelas 7 K13.1.ENGLISH MID SEMESTERSEVENTH GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND RECOMMENDED TO USEDICTIONARYNAME:CLASS:Multiple Choice (1-15)1. Asep: Hello, I am AsepInda: Oh, Hi, I am Inda. How are you?Asep.?a. Fine, thank you c. Nice to meet youb. I’m quite alrightIDENTITY CARDFull NameDate of birthAddressSchoolHobbyHighWeightFavorite:ArtistFoodDrinkColorSarah Aulia25th December 1996Jl. Mawar No.13SMP 12 Bogorswimming150 cm40 kgOlga SaputraNoodleApple juiceBlue.2.

Download soal UTS Kelas 7 semester 1 sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 (kurtilas). Setiap 3 bulan pertama pada setiap semester, sekolah biasanya melakukan Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS). Sebelumnya dikenal dengan Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS). Dalam UTS biasanya diujikan setengah dari materi yang harus ditempuh selama satu semester. Soal UTS SMP Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi, Soal PTS K13 Revisi untuk SMP/MTs ini pada kelas VII dan kunci jawaban pada mata pelajaran, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, IPA, IPS, Seni Budaya, Prakarya, PPKN, PAI dan Budi Pekerti, khusus sekolah pelakasana kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017, soal-soal. Soal PTS/UTS SMP Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi Dengan Kunci Jawaban, soal UTS Semester genap SMP/MTS K13 revisi yang pada mata pelajaran di kelas VII, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, IPA, IPS, PPKN, Seni Budaya, Prakarya, PAI dan BP, kumpulan soal kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017 ini bisa menjadi bahan perbandingan rekan guru dalam membuat soal PTS untuk.


How old is Sarah now?.year old.a. How tall is she?a. One hundred and fifty centimetresb.

One hundred and forty four centimetresc. One hundred and four centimetresd. One hundred and fifty four centimetres4.

What is Sarah’s favourite drink?a. Avocado Juiceb. Apple Juice5. A: What does the students do in every Monday morning?B: They.flag ceremony.a. Andra: Hani, This.RandiHani: Hi, Randia.

Justin Bieber hashaira. A short and brown b. A long and brownc. A curly and blackd. A wave and black.This is Mr. Johan’s house. It is big, clean and comfortable.There is a garden in front of the house.

There are some plantsand flowers in the garden.There are some rooms in their house. They are a large livingroom, a dining room, two bathroom, a kitchen, three bedroomsand a garage.There are carpet and sofa in the living room, a picture and a clock on the wall. Thetelevision is near of the bookcase and the fan is in the corner.The bathroom has a shower and there are a gas stove and a refrigerator in thekitchen.8. What is the text talk about?a.

Johan’s garden.b. Johan’s house.c. Johan ‘s room.d.

Johan’s kitchen.9. What are in the garden?a. Two bathrooms.b. Plants and flowers.c. A kitchen and a garage.d. A living room and a dining room.10.

Where is the carpet and sofa?a. At the corner.b. In the kitchen.c. In the living room.d. In the dining room.11.

Soal Uts Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Ips

Johan’s house. The synonym of the underlined words isa. The seventh month of the year isa. Teacher: The blackboard is dirty.Please!Anita: of course ma’ama.

Go to the blackboard b. Clean the blackboardc. Touch the blackboard d. Show the blackboard14. A: How do you say the time?B: It is almost is?a. Two thirty p.m.b.

Eleven to five a.m.c. Five to twelve p.m.d.

One quarter past one.15. Today is Monday. Top window7 theme anime. Yesterday is Sunday. What day is two day after this day?a.

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