Soal Pilihan Ganda Vlsm
Table of Contents.50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Lengkap dengan Kunci JawabanI. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!Listening Section Text for number 1 to 10The 18th and 19th centuries glass was very expensive and was (1) for limited applications, such as stained glass windows for churches. Large-scale glass manufacture (2) with the industrial revolution with the mass production of glass containers beginning at the onset of the 20th century and glass light bulb production automated in 1926. Nowadays glass is much less expensive and is (3) for granted as a packaging material in addition to its use in windows and other applications. New glass is (4) from a mixture of four main ingredients: sand, soda ash, limestone and other additives. Glass can be (5) indefinitely as part of a simple but hugely beneficial process, as its structure does not (6) when reprocessed. If recycled glass is used to(7) new bottles and jars, the energy (8) in the furnace is greatly reduced.
Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Dan Esay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halo sobat IBI. Pada kesempatan kali ini IBI akan meembahas tentang contoh soal pilihan ganda dan esay kelas 9.
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After accounting for the (9) and processing needed, 315kg of C02 is (10) per ton of glass melted.1. The correct answer is. LooseJawaban: bJawaban yang benar adalah used.2. The correct answer is a. BeganJawaban: dJawaban yang benar adalah began.3.
The correct answer is a. TakesJawaban: aJawaban yang benar adalah taken.4. The correct answer is a.
MaidJawaban: bJawaban yang benar adalah made.5. The correct answer is a.
RecycledJawaban: dJawaban yang benar adalah recycled.6. The correct answer is a. DeterioratedJawaban: dJawaban yang benar adalah deteriorated.7.
The correct answer is a. MakesJawaban: awaban yang benar adalah make.8. The correct answer is a. IndeedJawaban: cJawaban yang benar adalah needed.9. The correct answer is a. TransportJawaban: dJawaban yang benar adalah transport.10. The correct answer is a.
ShaveJawaban: bJawaban yang benar adalah saved.11.Carlos:.?Santiago: Yes, I have.Carlos: When did you go there?Santiago: Last year.a. Are you going there?b. Did you go there?c. Have you go there?d. Have you ever gone to New York?Jawaban: dJawaban yang tepat adalah “have you ever gone to Bali”, Carlos ingin menanyakan pakah Santiago pernah pergi ke New York.12.
Nina: Jane?Sazkia: “Yes. She is typing a letter in her room now.a. Did you seeb. Have you seend. Have you ever seenJawaban: cJawaban yang sesuai adalah Have you seen, Nurmaila ingin menanyakan apakah Sazkia tadi melihat Jane.13. This text several times but I still confused.a. Have been readingd.
Was readingJawaban: aJawaban yang paling tepat adalah “have read” yang menunjukkan pola present perfect.14. Jessica: Will you have lunch with me?Samantha: I’d love to, but I am still full. I my lunch.a. Am havingJawaban: bJawaban yang tepat adalah Have had.
Samantha sudah kenyang berarti dia sudah makan siang. Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang telah selesai dilakukan, digunakan bentuk present perfect.15.
Rangga: Why do you look sad?Niko: Because I my wallet.a. Have just lostb.
Am just lostd. Will just lostJawaban: aJust artinya baru saja yang menunjukkan kejadian yang telah berlalu. Just adalah keterangan waktu untuk present perfect. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah Have just lost.16.
Angie: I wonder why Miss Dian yet.Novita: I do too. As I know, she is always on time.a. Didn’t comec. Hasn’t comeJawaban: dJawaban yang tepat adalah hasn’t come, untuk menyatakan bahwa Miss Dian belum datang maka menggunakan present perfect tense.17. Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan?Cindy: No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia.Ana: But China, Japan or Indonesia?Cindy: China.a. Which team is the strongest?b.
Which team is the weakest?c. Which country plays better?d.
Which country plays the fastest?Jawaban: aJawaban yang tepat adalah Which team is the strongest, degree of comparasion jenis superlatif (paling).18. Nadine her mother before she came home.a. Had phonedJawaban: dJawaban yang tepat adalah had phoned. Nadine telah menelephone ibunya (past perfect tense) sebelum dia pulang ke rumah (past tense)19.
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Our teacher never England.a. Has visitedd. Had visitedJawaban: cJawaban yang tepat adalah has visited. Guru kita belum pernah ke England, sesuatu yang terjadi sebelum sekarang menggunakan bentuk pesent perfent tense.20. Pedro an accident when they had been in Italy.a.
Soal Pilihan Ganda Korespondensi
Had gotJawaban: bJawabanyang tepat adalah got. Pedro mendapat kecelakaan saat dia telah sampai di Italy.21. Susie: Can Jack speak English?Tom: Maybe, he the English course ten two years.a. JoinsJawaban: bJawaban yang tepat adalah has joined.22. Ryan: Here we are!
Contoh Soal Debat Pilihan Ganda
The busiest harbor in Jakarta.Sam: Look! A ship is coming.Gina: Ryan: Yes. You know it can carry 2000 passengers at one time.a. What is a big ship?b. How big is this ship?c.
What a big ship!d. How comfortable is the ship?Jawaban: cJawaban yang tepat adalah what a big ship! Salah satu bentuk expression of admiration.Text for number 23 to 25Plastic recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste plastics and reprocessing the material into useful products, sometimes completely different in form from their original state. Typically a plastic is not recycled into the same type of plastic, and products made from recycled plastics are often not recyclable. When compared to other materials like glass and metal materials, plastic polymers require greater processing to be recycled.
Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Indonesia
Plastics have a low entropy of mixing, which is due to the high molecular weight of their large polymer chains. When different types of plastics are melted together they tend to phase-separate, like oil and water, and set in these layers.23. What is plastic recycling mean?a. The process of how to make a bottle of plastic.b. The process of recovering scrap or waste plastics and reprocessing the material into useful product.c. The way to collect plastics.d.
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Step to selling plastics’ product.Jawaban: bJawaban yang tepat adalah The process of recovering scrap or waste plastics and reprocessing the material into useful products. Lihat kalimat pertama pada text diatas.24. Is plastic recycled into the same type of plastic?a. No, it isn’t.b. Yes, it is.c. No, it doesn’t.d. Yes, it does.Jawaban: aJawaban yang tepat adalah No, it isn’t.
Lihat kalimat ke- 2 pada teks diatas.25. What’s kind of plastic that require greater processing to be recycled?a. Bottle plasticb. Bag plasticc. Plastic polymerd. PlasticJawaban: cJawabanyang sesuai adalah plastic polymer.
Lihat kalimat ke- 2 pada teks diatas.26. Harry: Would you like to go camping with us next holiday?Donny: but I have to take care of my mom. She has been hospitalized for a week.a.
It sounds interestingb. Sorry, I can’tc. I’m afraid, notd. I am sorry to hear thatJawaban: aJawaban yang tepat adalah, It sounds interesting.27. Anisa: Mom, could I have another cookie, please?Mother:, but don’t forget to share it with your sister.a. But it is so urgentc.
Listen, don’t bother herd. You are kidding, I can’tJawaban: aJawaban yang tepat adalah, of course.28. A tsunami is a very large sea wave that is by a disturbance along the floor of the ocean.a. AppreciatedJawaban: aJawaban yang tepat adalah, mobilized.29. Waiter: Under what name would you like the reservation?Hasan: Siregar, Hasan Siregar.Waiter: Hasan: Yes. It’s 555 -9363.a. May I have your phone number?b.
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Can I tell you my phone number?c. Should you write your phone number?d. Will you speak about your phone number?Jawaban: aJawaban yang tepat adalah, May I have your phone number? Suatu ungkapan permintaan yang sopan.30. The drugs by Alysa, she got influenza.a. Has been drankd.
Had been drankJawaban: dJawaban yang tepat adalah, had been drank. Klausa ini berbentuk kalimat pasif past perfect tense karena kejadian ini lebih dahulu terjadi dari klausa pertama.Vote your voice for better articles.